I play games, cook, and tinker for fun.

In a past life, I led a high-performing World of Warcraft guild.  We'd play most nights and clear most all PvE content in-season.  I learned a ton about myself and about leadership in the grueling crucible of progression raiding.  I don't miss the hours, but I certainly miss the camaraderie and the enjoyment of leading and growing with a team of my own.

These days, in the few hours I have to myself, I usually play Dota 2.  The 5v5, pickup-game style, rewarding intense focus and teamwork, is a great way for me to leave the material world behind and harness my desire for competition and coordination. I’m teaching my 8 year old how to play, too, now. That’s fun!

I love the fact that Dota has a bottomless skill cap.  There's always something new to learn.  There's always a decision to reconsider, a new perspective to synthesize.