Quick Tip

A quick transform to summarize and present data.

In Alteryx, there are some little tricks that I find myself reusing time and again  One example of this is the use of Cross Tab to create an in-Alteryx pivot of the data, usually summarized at a high level with a familiar time segment as columns, to trend out the data and validate that it's accurate.

Since the goal of this is to make it human-readable, I almost always also take the time to sort out the segmentation so it occurs predictably and according to established precedent.  For Seagate, we put the enterprise segments first, followed by the client segments and then the flash and consumer segments.  This tends to be true no matter which topic is being discussed, and it's easy enough to do with a quick use of the switch function in a Formula tool against [Consensus Segment], followed by the Sort tool later on, after the Cross Tab tool has been invoked.  I tend to do a little clean up after the fact, deselecting my index dimension using the Select tool.